Totem (nonexisting monument) / oil on canvas / 110 x 130 cm / 2019
from the Totem’s cycle

Totem II / oil & acrylic on canvas / 90 x 70 cm / 2019
from the series Totems

Totem III / oil & acrylic & plastic eyes on canvas / 110 x 160 cm / 2019
from the series Totems

Neomimesis (Will people of tomorrow dream of robotic sheep?) / oil & acrylic on canvas / 130 x 180 cm / 2018

Inner life / oil & polyurethane foam on canvas / 170 x 120 cm / 2018
from the series Inner life

consuming_digestion_excretion / oil & polyurethane foam on canvas / 180 x 120 cm / 2018
from the series Inner life