
24.03-21.04.2017 r.

ARTzona, Cracow

The exhibition consists of works created over the last two years. The presentation is an opportunity to summarize my artistic activity to date. Summaries by their nature are general, concise and cross-sectional, therefore the presented paintings and objects are selectively chosen works from separate collections.

Dictionary of terms:

The eye – the organ of vision, made up of a lens with variable focal length, iris (aperture), pupil and light-sensitive retina. It receives stimuli in the form of a light signal that is sent to the brain through nerves. The eye is a very sensitive organ, especially important for the painter.
The exhibition documents both a number of ways to deal with malfunctioning of the eye, as well as techniques to improve vision.

The brain – an organ of the central nervous system made up of brain ganglia; it is the vehicle for the human mind. It is here that a useful thought can be born, which can help, for example, to shape a work of art. The mind is susceptible to stimulation, among others, by visual stimuli; however, this is a situation of strict economy, therefore the contents of the mind equally have the ability to shape the image (form).
The viewer has the opportunity to penetrate the depths of the brain, where there are stored contents, which generally remain hidden, inaccessible to the recipient.

The hand – its activity in the process of image formation is determined by the work of the brain and the eye. It is the last to take action. The efficiency of the hand largely depends on the degree of the formation of vision.

Władysław Strzemiński’s words should be taken as a punchline: „One should constntly develop one’s vision, see what wasn’t noticed earlier, expand one’s visual content, keep enriching the culture of one’s vision and the dexterity of one’s hand.”.